AOC tests positive for COVID

Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez has tested positive for COVID-19 after according to a statement from her office Sunday.

This comes after Cortez was filmed and photographed maskless at a bar and other gatherings during a trip to Florida.

She took to twitter accusing Republicans that criticized her of being mad because they couldn’t date her.

This sounds like a comment one would expect from a teenager who thought the moon and stars all revolved around them.

AOC isn’t the first democrat to visit the sunshine state during the peak of COVID restriction and lockdowns. Rep. Eric Swalwell of CA was also caught vacationing maskless in Florida, even after tweeting this December 31 2021.

I am not one to insert myself into the political theater of drama, but couldn’t help but point out the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of this entire situation.

The mantra seems to be to say one thing, but then to do another. It has seemed to become the norm to not practice what you preach. How can any genuine person sit back and think that this type of hypocrisy or behavior is acceptable?

Younger people that have been just newly introduced to the political game are typically the most gullible when it comes to the promises of these politicians. Most of these mainline politicians on the will say anything to gain attention and win support from anyone.

The time is now to hold people accountable and hold them to their word, whether you are pro or anti lockdown. If you have any conviction, you would at least stay consistent with your belief and practice what you preach. You should also demand that from anyone you throw your support behind no matter what you believe in.
